Let’s dive in

Welcome to the ultimate showdown: Kartra vs. Kajabi. If you’re ready to take your business and online course sales to the next level, you’re in the right place. 


Kartra goes beyond online courses and offers advanced automations, email marketing, a funnel builder, a built-in Helpdesk for customer support, and more.


Kajabi lets you create online courses, but their limited features make it hard to scale your business. Paying for additional software costs more than Kartra.

Kartra vs. Kajabi tools for creating content

We start seeing noticeable differences in software features when we move to Kartra and Kajabi’s tools for creating content.

Memberships and courses
Unlimited pages
Unlimited Funnels
Unlimited products
Interactive video features
Funnel mapping
Native surveys & quizzes
Native webinar integration

Memberships and Courses

Offering unlimited memberships and courses provides creators with expansive opportunities to diversify their offerings and cater to various audiences or niches.

Unlimited Pages 

This feature enables creators to build as many pages as they need, allowing for comprehensive course structures, dedicated landing pages, and extensive content creation.


Access to forms empowers creators to gather crucial user data, facilitate registrations, and collect user information seamlessly.

Unlimited Funnels

With unlimited funnels, creators have the freedom to design multiple sales pathways, marketing strategies, and conversion funnels to optimize their course sales and engagement.

Unlimited Products

With the option of unlimited products, creators can offer various course formats, supplementary materials, or bundled offerings and see what performs best.

Interactive Video Features 

Enhanced interactive video capabilities like pop up offers can significantly increase engagement and comprehension among viewers.

Funnel Mapping

Having the ability to visualize and plan funnels systematically helps creators strategize their sales and marketing efforts effectively.

Native Surveys & Quizzes

Built-in survey and quiz features streamline assessments, feedback collection, and engagement within courses and email marketing.

Native Webinar Integration

Seamlessly integrating webinars into the platform makes it easy to have live sessions with leads, customers, or students.

Unlimited Funnels, Unlimited Products, Interactive Video Features, Funnel Mapping, Native Surveys & Quizzes, Native Webinar Integration

These features are not available in Kajabi, potentially limiting the variety and depth of sales and marketing strategies, content engagement, and interactive learning experiences within the platform.

Kartra vs. Kajabi tools for digital marketing

Lead capture
Lead management
Sales management
Funnels and campaigns
Unlimited email
Product coupons & upsells
Product downsells
Native SMS integration
Multi-Step checkout pages
Native calendar integration
Funnel simulation
Real-time funnel analytics

Lead Capture

The ability to capture leads efficiently allows course creators to gather potential student information for targeted marketing and engagement strategies.

Lead Management

Effective lead management tools enable creators to organize, segment, and nurture leads through the sales funnel, optimizing conversion rates.

Sales Management

Comprehensive sales management tools facilitate streamlined processes for managing and tracking sales performance, aiding in revenue optimization.

Funnels and Campaigns

Access to versatile funnels and campaign creation helps in designing customized sales journeys, increasing user engagement and sales.

Unlimited Email

Having unlimited email capabilities allows for extensive communication, engagement, and marketing outreach to potential and existing students.

Product Coupons & Upsells/Downsells

These features enable creators to implement effective pricing strategies, promotions, and additional offers, maximizing revenue opportunities.

Native SMS Integration

Integration with SMS enhances communication strategies, offering an additional channel for engagement and promotion.

Multi-Step Checkout Pages

Streamlined checkout processes with multi-step pages can potentially reduce cart abandonment and enhance the user experience.

Native Calendar Integration

Integrated calendars simplify scheduling for course creators and students and make event management and organization easier.

Funnel Simulation & Real-Time Funnel Analytics

These features provide invaluable insights into funnel performance, allowing for real-time adjustments and optimizations for better conversions.

Kartra vs. Kajabi tools for scaling your business

Automated sequences
Tiered affiliate management
Helpdesk support
Helpdesk live chat


Comprehensive customer analytics provide essential insights into user behavior, marketing performance, and course engagement and help inform decision-making and strategy refinement.

Automated Sequences

Automation of sequences lets creators have targeted, time-based automated workflows, which enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Tiered Affiliate Management

Multi-tiered affiliate programs incentivize partners at various levels for promotions and sales and lets creators have more flexibility in payouts.

Helpdesk Support and Live Chat

Live chat and Helpdesk support makes sure customer issues get solved quickly, which fosters a positive user experience and satisfaction.

Kartra vs. Kajabi advanced tools for larger businesses

API access
Custom code page
Advanced automations
Agency capacity

Both Kartra and Kajabi offer crucial tools for larger businesses, including API access, a custom code page, and advanced automations. These features enable integration with external applications, customizations within the platform, and sophisticated automated workflows.

However, Kajabi lacks agency capacity, which limits its potential for larger-scale operations compared to Kartra’s comprehensive offerings.

But don’t take our word for it…

Join 60,000 content creators and coaches already using Kartra to launch and scale their online business!

“I joined Kartra because it has everything I need to grow my memberships. I have over 6,000 active customers now…the revenue keeps snowballing!”

Dominick Pirone
DJ + Course Creator

“Since using Kartra, I’ve been able to automate the majority of my business. Now that I don’t have to do things manually, I’ve been able to scale much faster!”

Audrey Rose
Business Consultant

“I went from worrying about my marketing breaking, to having all of my marketing streamlined with Kartra. It’s the base of all the sales in my business.”

Louise Henry
Lifestyle Entrepreneur

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Kartra Revolution?

Join 60,000 businesses already growing with Kartra.