Let’s dive in

In this comparison, we’ll explore Kartra and Thinkific, two popular tools catering to online course creation.


Kartra’s tools aren’t just for  online courses. They include advanced automations, email marketing capabilities, a funnel builder, an integrated customer support Helpdesk, and more.


Thinkific lets you sell online courses, but it’s difficult to scale your business beyond that. Plus, it costs more to add the extra tools you need compared to using Kartra for everything.

Kartra vs. Thinkific Tools for Creating Content

Memberships and courses
Unlimited pages
Unlimited Products
Interactive Video Features
Funnel Mapping
Native Surveys & Quizzes
Native Webinar Integration

When it comes to creating comprehensive and versatile online course experiences, Kartra stands out over Thinkific. Thinkific lacks some features, such as limited landing pages and interactive videos, making it less versatile for educators. With Kartra, you get everything you need in one place to create engaging courses without needing extra tools or add-ons.

Memberships and Courses

Kartra and Thinkific both support memberships and courses, ensuring that both platforms are capable of hosting educational content.

Unlimited Landing Pages

Kartra offers unlimited landing pages, while Thinkific doesn’t provide this feature. Landing pages are essential for converting visitors into students or customers, and Kartra’s limitless offering provides flexibility in crafting various landing page experiences.


Thinkific does not offer a way to capture an email address of a lead, whereas Kartra does. Its landing page form only captures an email if someone pays for the online course. This limits follow ups on potential customers.

Unlimited Products

Kartra allows unlimited product creation, while Thinkific has limitations in this area. This versatility of Kartra enables educators to diversify their offerings without restrictions.

Interactive Video Features 

Kartra provides interactive video features, offering enhanced engagement opportunities within courses. Thinkific lacks this feature, which could limit interactive teaching methods for educators.

Funnels and Funnel Mapping 

Kartra supports funnels and detailed mapping, allowing educators to create structured, step-by-step student journeys. Thinkific doesn’t offer these features, potentially restricting the creation of guided learning paths.

Native Surveys & Quizzes 

Both Kartra and Thinkific support native surveys and quizzes, aiding in student engagement and assessing learning progress.

Native Webinar Integration 

Both platforms support native webinar integration, enabling educators to host live sessions seamlessly within their course structures.

Kartra vs. Thinkific Tools for Digital Marketing

Lead capture
Lead management
Sales management
Funnels and campaigns
Unlimited Email
Product Coupons & Upsells
Product Downsells
Native SMS integration
Multi-Step checkout pages
Native Calendar Integration
Funnel simulation
Real-time funnel analytics

These digital marketing distinctions illustrate how Kartra’s robust feature set provides a more comprehensive platform for lead generation, sales, and marketing strategies compared to Thinkific, which lacks several essential features crucial for online course creators.

Lead Capture

Kartra offers robust lead capture capabilities, allowing users to gather and manage leads effectively. Thinkific lacks this feature, which could impact a user’s ability to gather prospective student information efficiently.

Lead Management

Kartra includes lead management tools, enabling users to organize and handle their leads systematically. Thinkific does not provide lead management features, potentially making it challenging to track and handle potential customers.

Sales Management

Both Kartra and Thinkific support sales management, ensuring that users can manage their sales processes within the platform.

Funnels and Campaigns

Kartra empowers users with comprehensive funnel and campaign creation tools, facilitating efficient sales strategies. Thinkific lacks these functionalities, potentially limiting its ability to design and execute robust sales funnels.

Unlimited Email

Kartra allows unlimited email usage, enabling extensive communication with students or potential customers. Thinkific does not offer this feature, potentially restricting users in their email marketing efforts.

Product Coupons & Upsells/Downsells

Kartra provides the functionality for product coupons, upsells, and downsells, offering more versatility in sales strategies. Thinkific offers limited support in this area, potentially impacting its users’ ability to implement varied sales tactics.

Native SMS Integration

Kartra supports native SMS integration, allowing users to leverage SMS marketing seamlessly. Thinkific lacks this feature, potentially limiting users’ communication channels with students or customers.

Multi-Step Checkout Pages

Kartra offers multi-step checkout page functionality, optimizing the purchasing experience. Thinkific doesn’t provide this feature, potentially impacting the efficiency and customization of the checkout process.

Native Calendar Integration

Kartra offers native calendar integration, allowing users to schedule and manage events seamlessly within the platform. Thinkific does not support this integration, potentially requiring users to manage events externally.

Funnel Simulation & Real-Time Funnel Analytics

Kartra provides funnel simulation and real-time analytics, offering insights and testing capabilities for sales strategies. Thinkific lacks these features, potentially hindering users’ abilities to track and optimize their sales funnels efficiently.

Kartra vs. Thinkific Tools for Scaling Your Business

Course Analytics
Automated Email Sequences
Affiliate Management
Helpdesk Support
Helpdesk Live Chat

The comparison between Kartra and Thinkific’s digital marketing tools highlights Kartra’s comprehensive and diverse features, positioning it as a superior platform for online course creators.

Kartra’s robust suite of tools covers lead generation, sales, and marketing strategies, offering a more extensive and versatile toolkit compared to Thinkific, which lacks critical features essential for effective course creation and promotion.

Course Analytics

Kartra boasts comprehensive course analytics, empowering educators with detailed insights into student engagement and course performance metrics. Thinkific also offers course analytics, providing educators with a basic overview of student interactions.

However, Kartra’s analytics offer deeper and more nuanced insights, enabling educators to optimize course content and improve student experiences more effectively than Thinkific’s comparatively limited analytics tools.

Automated Email Sequences

Kartra excels with its robust automated email sequences, facilitating personalized and timely communication between educators and students.

Thinkific lacks this automation functionality, which might limit educators’ capacity to engage students effectively through automated and personalized emails at various course touchpoints.

Affiliate Management

Both Kartra and Thinkific offer affiliate management tools to establish and track affiliate programs. Kartra integrates this feature seamlessly within its comprehensive suite of tools, providing educators with a unified platform to manage affiliates efficiently.

Thinkific’s affiliate management capabilities are comparable but might lack the integration and ease of use present in Kartra’s ecosystem.

Helpdesk Support and Live Chat

Kartra sets itself apart by including integrated helpdesk support and live chat features, enabling educators to offer real-time assistance to students.

In contrast, Thinkific lacks this integrated support system, potentially creating challenges for educators in providing immediate help and personalized guidance to their students.

Kartra vs. Thinkific Advanced Tools for Larger Businesses

API Access
Custom Code Page
Advanced Automations
Agency Capacity

While both platforms offer API Access and a Custom Code Page, Kartra excels with its Advanced Automations and Agency Capacity features, providing a more robust platform for users looking to leverage extensive automation capabilities and collaborate within larger teams or agency environments.

API Access

Kartra and Thinkific both offer API Access, enabling users to integrate external tools or systems into their platforms for enhanced functionality or data sharing. This feature provides flexibility and potential for customized solutions across both platforms.

Custom Code Page

Both Kartra and Thinkific provide a Custom Code Page, allowing users to implement customizations or embed codes for more personalized course content. This feature offers users the ability to tailor their courses to specific needs or branding preferences.

Advanced Automations

Kartra stands out with its robust Advanced Automation capabilities, enabling users to automate complex marketing workflows and user interactions. Thinkific lacks this feature, potentially limiting the automation of intricate marketing strategies and personalized user experiences.

Agency Capacity

Kartra supports Agency Capacity, enabling collaborative work and management of multiple courses within larger teams. Thinkific lacks this feature, which might hinder scalability and collaborative course creation in agency or team settings.

But don’t take our word for it…

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As soon as I read about Kartra, I fell in love. My client went from $6K to $60K in just a few months after using it!

Gonzalo Jimenez
Automation Consultant

By moving to Kartra and canceling all the subscriptions, we saved $1,000/month. More importantly, it gave us all the metrics and tools we needed in one place.

Jody Jelas
Agency Owner

Other platforms gave me headaches. Kartra simplified my business and life. I love that I can tag customer engagement to reduce refunds and boost revenue.

Simon Lovell
Executive Coach

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