
The All In One Marketing Platform

Email and SMS Communications

Behavior-Based Automation

Unlimited Trigger Rules

Automated Tags, Lists, and Sequences

Professional Email Templates

Automated Funnel Templates

Lead Management

Advanced Analytics

A/B Testing

Integrated Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages

How does email automation software work with my website?

Email and SMS Communications

Behavior-Based Automation

Unlimited Trigger Rules

Automated Tags, Lists, and Sequences

Professional Email Templates

Automated Funnel Templates

Lead Management

Advanced Analytics

A/B Testing

Integrated Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages

Opt-in Forms

Landing Pages

Why are native features important?

How Email Marketing Software Plans Work

Advantages of All in One Software

What’s different about Kartra’s all in one marketing platform?

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

Create Meaningful Audience Segments

Align Strategic Email Sequences with Each Stage of the Customer Journey

Refine Messages with Email Automation Tools

Create Meaningful Audience Segments

Align Strategic Email Sequences with Each Stage of the Customer Journey

Email Funnels in the Awareness Stage

Welcome Series

Email Funnels in the Activation Stage

Sales Series

Email Funnels in the Retention Stage

Cross-Sell or Upsell Series

Email Funnels in the Referral Stage

Referral Request Series

Refine Messages with Email Automation Tools

Automated Tags and Lists

Unlimited Trigger Rules

A/B Testing

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

A/B Testing Examples

#1: Email Marketing

#2: Landing Pages

#3: Paid Advertisements

#4: Social Media Posts

#5: Lead Capture Forms

#6: Pricing Display

#7: Checkout Flow

#1: Email Marketing

#2: Landing Pages

#3: Paid Advertisements 

#4: Social Media Posts

#5: Lead Capture Forms

#6: Pricing Display

#7: Checkout Flow

How Do You Run an A/B Test?

Develop a Hypothesis

Select a Measurable Goal

Carefully Design the Control and Test Campaigns

Set a Strategic Timeline

Statistical Significance in A/B Tests

Experiment with a Meaningful Sample Size

Avoid These Common A/B Testing Mistakes

How Do You Use A/B Testing?

1. Conduct A/B Tests Regularly

2. Cross-Apply A/B Test Results Within Your Strategy

A/B Testing Requires High-Quality Automation

Kartra is the Best Software for Data-Driven Marketing

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

Value Consistency and Frequency
Identify the Most Effective User Behavior Triggers
Create Strategic Audience Segments
Tailor Your Message to Specific Audiences
A/B Test Email Variants
Integrate Email with Your Broader Marketing Strategy

Email Sequences & Your Sales Funnel

Value Consistency and Frequency, Not Perfection

Plan Blocks of Content

Start with Core Sequences

Identify the Most Effective User Behavior Triggers

Create Strategic Audience Segments

Tag Contacts Throughout the Customer Journey

Tailor Your Message to Specific Audiences

Automate Workflows to Create Messages Your Subscribers Value

A/B Test Email Variants to Improve on Your Success

Integrate Email Marketing with Your Broader Marketing Strategy

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

A strong sales pipeline that consistently generates leads is the foundational building block of business growth. Lead generation marketing is designed to kindle awareness of your brand and acquire contacts for you to nurture through a strategic sales funnel into paying clients.

Share Your Industry Expertise through Quality Content 

Product Guides

How to Get the Best Results from Content SEO

Educational Videos

Industry Newsletters

Use Lead Magnets to Build Your Customer List

eBooks or Whitepapers 

Downloadable content – such as a free eBook or a whitepaper – helps build your contact list by giving leads an immediate resource in exchange for basic information such as their email and job title. These long-form content types are ideal for B2B professionals to thoroughly develop niche topics that would be difficult to address in a blog post or even a seminar. 

Free Trials or Samples

Run Targeted Ads Optimized for Lead Capture

Audience Targeting

Landing Page Optimization

Don’t Bank Everything on Paid Ads

Partner with Influencers to Gain Traction on Social Media

Promote Your Brand Through a Network of Affiliates

Test Lead Generation Tactics with Kartra’s All in One Software

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.


Just Ask! (Using These Tips & Templates)

Time Your Referral Requests Right

Build Regular Referral Opportunities

Disrupt Standard Communications

Incentivize Clients with Financial Compensation

Create Shareable Content


Evaluate Earlier Funnel Stages

Use All in One Software

Just Ask! (Using These Tips & Templates)

Here are some tips and templates to help you begin.

Start with the Most Loyal Clients

Requesting a Referral from a Loyal Client

Ask the Right Person on the Team 

Customize the Referral Request

Requesting a Referral from a New Client

Time the Referral Requests for Optimal Engagement

Build Regular Referral Opportunities into Your Sales Funnel

Disrupt Standard Company Communications for Quick Boosts

Incentivize Clients with Financial Compensation

Structured Referral Programs

Limited-Time Financial Incentives

Create Shareable Content That Encourages Organic Brand Advocacy

Network to Build Genuine Relationships 

Evaluate Earlier Funnel Stages to Identify Gaps in Your Referral Strategy 



Nurture Sequences

Use All in One Software to Get the Best ROI from Referral Marketing

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

What Is Growth Marketing? 

Why Lawyers Should Try Growth Marketing

What Makes Your Practice Special?

Before we talk about digital tools, let’s think about why people should choose you instead of another lawyer. Maybe you have tons of experience or offer free first meetings. That’s your special advantage or “value proposition.”

Who Are Your Clients? 

Benefits Of An All-In-One Marketing Platform

Email Marketing 


Done-For-You Funnels & Campaigns

Track Your Success

Why Growth Marketing Is a Must for Lawyers

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

Streamline Purchases with a Buyer-Centric Website

Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates with Meaningful Calls to Action

Demonstrate Tangible Brand Value with Targeted Giveaways

Time Your Automated Sequences to Optimize for Conversions

Use Customer Insights for Persuasive Messaging

Customize your Message with Retargeting Campaigns

Integrate Your Marketing Channels for Better Conversion Data

Streamline Conversions with a Buyer-Centric Website

Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates with Meaningful Calls to Action

Demonstrate Tangible Brand Value with Freebies 

Time Your Automated Sequences to Optimize for Conversions

Use Customer Insights for Persuasive Messaging

Customize your Message with Retargeting Campaigns

Integrate Your Marketing Channels for Better Conversion Data

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.

Table of Contents:

Set Marketing Objectives Based on Customer Retention Data

Educate Your Client Base to Add Value to Their Experience

Use Entertaining Content to Boost Brand Engagement

Personalize Follow-Up Messages to Stay Top Of Mind

Create Customer Loyalty Programs that Reward Longevity

Use Technology to Facilitate Quality Customer Support

Use Customer Feedback to Refine Your Product

Create a Holistic Customer Experience with an All-In-One Marketing Platform

Set Marketing Objectives Based on Customer Retention Data

Your CLV and churn rate provide baseline figures you can use to set concrete retention goals and establish priorities for specific customer retention strategies.

Educate Your Client Base to Add Value to Their Experience

Use Entertaining Content to Boost Brand Engagement 

Personalize Follow-Up Messages to Stay Top Of Mind

Create Customer Loyalty Programs that Reward Longevity 

Use Technology to Facilitate Quality Customer Support

Use Customer Feedback to Refine Your Product

Create a Holistic Customer Experience with an All-In-One Marketing Platform

About Kartra

This blog is brought to you by Kartra, the all-in-one online business platform that gives you every essential marketing and sales tool you need to grow your business profitably – from sales pages and product carts to membership sites, help desks, affiliate management and more. To learn how you can quickly and easily leverage Kartra to boost your bottom-line, please visit kartra.com.